Why are you late?

I think every one of you was at least once in a situation of being late, it is most of the time not that much fun but rather annoying. You have to come up with excuses and convince the other person that your excuse is reasonable. This is exactly what this game is about. You can be creative and have fun, but be careful that you don’t get fired from your job!

What do you need?
Since this is a pantomime game you need nothing other than your body and your acting skills. No material is needed!

Who plays?
You should gather at least 5 or more players.


How to play “Why are you late?”
Firstly, you are going to assign a boss, one late worker, and the rest of the players are co-workers. The Boss and the late worker leave the room while the co-workers think about a reason to be late. The more silly or outrageous the reason, the better! For example: He was abducted by an alien OR her toddler ran off with her keys and she couldn’t find them. Whatever comes to your mind.
The co-workers sit down and pretend to be working on computers. The Boss and the late worker re-enter. The boss stands with their back to the co-workers, and the late worker faces the co-workers. Now it is time for the boss to ask the later worker why he or she is late.
The co-workers begin to mime why the worker was late, and the late worker has to guess what their co-workers are miming.
At any moment, the boss can turn around to check if the co-workers are working. If the boss sees a co-worker miming and not typing, the boss can fire that worker who is then out of the game.
The game is over when either the boss has fired all the workers, or the late worker figures out the right excuse for why he or she is late.

This game is a lot of fun and you should definitely try it. Just remember that being late in real life is not fun and having people waiting for you is rather impolite.