
The sound of electricity humming through the air can mean a lot of different things; maybe it’s a melted wire, a loose cable, or an electricity overload. Figuring out the exact source can be frustrating and hard, but I can assure you one thing: when you hear the electrical buzzing sound in this game, it can be traced back to a lot of fun and a great time.
What do you need?
“Electricity” counts as one of the more simple games when it comes to rules and equipment. The game can be played anywhere, as long as you have enough space to form a circle with all of the players. I would suggest playing the game with at least five players to make it fun, but this choice is up to you.


How to play?
To start, one player has to be selected to begin the game. He or she has the “electricity” in their hands. This player passes the electricity on to the player standing to their right by holding their hands towards this player and wiggling their fingers while saying “bzzz”. The person who received the electricity then decides what they want to do with it. There are three different options: You can pass it on to your neighbour, block it, or throw it to another player in the circle. If you want to pass the electricity on to one of your neighbouring players, you make the same hand movement as described above: You turn to the right towards your neighbouring player, hold your hands up, wiggle your fingers, and say “bzzz”. If you want to block the electricity that is being passed on to you, you turn towards the direction from which the electricity came, hold your arms up with your palms facing the other player, and say “poing”. Blocking the electricity switches directions, which means that if Player A passes the electricity on to the player to their right and this player blocks it, Player A has to pass the electricity on to the player to their left. Instead of passing the electricity on or blocking it, you can also throw it to other players. If you receive the electricity and neither want to pass it on nor block it, you have the option of throwing it across the circle. For this, you lift your arms over your head and, in a downward motion, point at the player that you want to throw the electricity at and say the word “pow”. This other player then passes the electricity on to the next player, following the same direction as before.
The goal of the game is to pass the electricity on to the next player as fast as possible. Whoever makes a mistake is out and has to leave the circle. The game ends when there are only two players left; these are the winners.

I hope you enjoy this game and have fun playing!