Chain Tag

This game is one of my favorite running games. It is a simple game that is easy to understand, yet a lot of fun to play with your friends. Additionally, you don’t need any materials, or a lot of time. Perfect for any occasion. It is a variation of the normal tag game that everyone knows,- just a little bit more fun. You cooperate more with your group and team up together as taggers. Just keep reading to get to know more about this game.
What do you need?
You don’t need any equipment! A rather big space where you can run around like a gymnasium or the schoolyard outside is needed to play on.
Who plays?
Chain Tag is a perfect game for children of kindergarten age and older. It is the most fun with a big group of about 10 or more players. However, this also depends on how much space you have to play in.
How to play “Chain Tag”
One person starts being “it”. He or she has to chase all the other players and try to tag them by touching them. The difference to a normal tag game is that if one player gets tagged, the player that was original “it” and the player that just got tagged have to link hands with each other. They tun around together trying to tag more people. And if they do, these players also have to link hands. Like that, the human chain grows longer and longer until no more player is remaining. The chain is not allowed to be broken. This is also where the name of the game comes from.
The last remaining player is going to be “it” in the next round.
As a fun variation, you can start off with more than one person being “it”. Then, you will end up with more than one chain. You can make a competition out of it which tagger ends up with the longest chain.
I hope you have fun playing!!