The Trouble with Trouble

Have you ever had a dog and do you know the feeling that your dog could never do something that would make you love him less? I grew up with dogs and still live with one and even though struggles come along with every pet, they are the best thing a family can have. They might destroy your shoes, but those big eyes make up for everything. If you are familiar with this love for your dog, then this article is exactly the right thing for you!

Menaka Raman
Ever since Raman was a young girl, she has been writing stories about things important to kids like playgrounds, parties or the ocean. Later in her life, she became a software engineer but quickly discovered that her true calling lies in writing. Besides her nine picture books for kids, she writes columns for newspapers and works with non-profits. Menaka Raman lives in Bangalore with her husband, their two children and one dog.
“The Trouble with Trouble” was published in 2020 by Pratham Books and illustrated by Damini Gupta.

“The Trouble with Trouble” is written in a rhyme and about a child who lost their dog and wishes for her to come back. The child asks if anyone has seen bubble and that she has only ‘one ear and is round as a bubble’. The story continues as we hear why the dog is called trouble; she steals the newspaper in the morning, dug a hole under the sink, and steals food or underwear. The friends ask why they would want back a dog that only makes trouble, but they explain how they love Trouble and promise to play catch if he comes back. Trouble is there for the child when they get sick, cheers them up when they are sad or mad and supports them through it all. Then, they finally see him! Running through the aunt’s garden and eating her leaves. The child is so happy to see her and hugs her tight. If only Trouble would learn to eat their homework too!

  • Even though Trouble causes Trouble, the child still loves her. Why do you think are they such great friends?
  • In what ways does Trouble love the child?
  • Why did Trouble run away?

For the original story, click here!

The story of Trouble and his owner can not only be applied to the relationship we have with our dogs but also with friends and family members. Our friends might do crazy things or hurt us but if we love them enough, we might be able to love them through it all. While Trouble makes the child’s life chaotic, she also supports them in difficult times, which is so important in every relationship that we have in life. I hope that you also have people in your life that might drive you crazy but that still love you more than anything. I hope you liked this article, enjoyed the story of Trouble and learned something about the author Menaka Raman.