I know that hearing classical music is not for everyone. Especially if you are forced to listen to someone that talks about how great this or that is, just because he wants to sound like an expert but in reality it is all just hot air coming out of his mouth. Also if you don’t belong to one of those general classical music enjoy-er you might feel like this music is often just too much, too loud and most of it just sounds like the same boring piece. I can fully understand you and when I was younger it was exactly like this. I only listened to this music when it was quietly played in the background in my grandparents house or when I was forced so in school. One thing changed my picture of classical music completely. It was the TV Show “Your lie in April”, an animated show that is wrapped around classical music that brought me to enjoy certain classical music and even perform some of it on my own with my clarinet. In this text I want to tell you about said show and show you how it changed my picture of classical music.
The main character is a young pianist that used to be a wounder child that was extremely gifted on playing the piano. He was playing every piece of classical music so perfectly in his very young age that he got he nickname “the human metronome”. With his mother, a former star pianist being his teacher and only company in this early years his life only consisted of practicing and playing the piano. He was winning competition after competition leaving his opponents far behind with his perfect playing. His mother put a lot of pressure on him and he tried to fulfill all her expectations but because of this he lost all of his emotion in the music. Because his mother was very ill she died at a young age and left her child behind. Traumatized by the treatment of his mother and her early death the young child wasn’t able to hear the tunes of the piano anymore. When he was pressing any key on the keyboard of the piano no sound was reaching his mind. Because of that he quieted playing the piano and competing in competitions completely and lived his life as a normal high school student until he had met this girl that was touched by destiny. Slowly he starts to find his way back into to musical world of classical music and learns how to defeat his trauma. Until one day everything needs to be questioned again.
Because the young pianist plays a lot of classical music on his piano but always shows us what feelings are connected to this piece you start to like to listen to classical music yourself and find those emotions on your own again. Following him through the competitions and clearly sympathizing with him leads you to cheer for him and to hope that he wins those competitions for his past, his mother and his friends. You are so caught by his performances and the excitement that you almost also want to take part in a competition to feels this rush as well.
In this show you are introduced to many great works of classical music and you will want to re-listen them afterwards. Give this show and the classical music a chance and you will start a journey of emotions and new experiences.