Follow the Leader

This is a fun pantomime game that you can play with your whole class. It is really easy and fast, so you can play it whenever you are bored without any preparation. A great game for any situation!

What do you need?
Similar to a lot of other pantomime games you don’t need any materials.

Who plays?
You need at least three players to play ‘Follow the Leader’. However, this game is a lot of fun with a bigger group. Invite your whole class to play along!

How to play “Follow the Leader”?
All the players except one stand in a circle. One player standing in the middle. The middle player closes his or her eyes and the rest of the group silently chooses a leader without the middle player noticing.
Now, the middle player opens his/ her eyes again and the game can begin. He or she has to try to guess the leader. The leader does movements and the entire group follows. Whatever he or she does, the group does the same, if possible at the same time. As soon as the middle player discovers who the leader is, the game is over and a new round with a new middle player and a new leader starts.
The movement in general should be as specific as possible as the game only works when everyone’s movements are clear and not too fast.

A fun variation of this game is ‘the passing game’. The middle player has to leave the room or go somewhere where he or she doesn’t hear the other players. Then, the leader suggests an imaginary object to be passed around in a circle. This object could for example be a huge balloon, a pea, a sack of potatoes…etc.
The players passing around the imaginary object, have to try to keep it from falling and indicate its size and weight by the action. No talking is allowed. As soon as the middle player figures out what the object is the round is over. Small hints are welcome and the player gets to guess more often since it is a little bit more challenging than the original game.