These games all evolve around cookies, because seriously, what doesn’t?! Other than that, it also challenges everyone’s reaction time and you will find out who has the best orientation. Additionally, these games are a lot of fun to play and perfect for a short break in between lessons.
What do you need?
For all of these games, you need cookies, but of course, you can also use other sweets or even small things like a Lego stone- even though this would only be half the fun.
Who plays?
Kindergarten children love these games. The number of players can be however big.
How to play “Cookie Robbery”
Firstly, a small addition: For this game, you will additionally need a chair, a scarf and a pool noodle.
When you have that, the game can begin. You have to choose one player who is going to sit on the chair blindfolded with the pool noodle in his/ her hands. All the other players sit in a circle around him or her and a cookie is placed under the chair.
The game is about who can steal the cookie from underneath the chair, without the blindfolded person hitting you with the pool noodle. One by one, the players sitting in the circle try to get the cookie. Everyone has to be quiet so that the person in the middle has the chance to hear the robbery attempt.
If you get hit while trying to steal the cookie you have to sit back down. If you successfully rob the person in the middle, you get to keep the cookie and eat it.
How to play “Grab the Cookie”
For this game, you need one person that gives commands and all the other players get together in groups of two. The two players face each other and in their middle is a cookie laying on the floor.
The instructor of the game gives commands like ‘elbow, nose, toes…’ and all the players have to touch the named body part. At one point, the instructor says ‘Cookie’, and the players have to grab the cookie as fast as possible. Whoever is first gets to eat it.
How to play “Cookie Race”
As you can already tell by the name, this game is a race. Therefore, you have to agree on a start and finish point, build teams if you like, and search for a referee. The referee gives a signal and the participants run from the start to the finish. Whoever is first wins. The special part about this race is that every child gets a cookie that it has to be balanced on the head. If the cookie falls down, the player is automatically out. Of course, for this game there are only winners, because everyone gets to eat a cookie in the end. Nevertheless, you have to be careful not to drop it and at the same time to run as fast as possible. The use of your hands is not allowed!
Have fun playing!