“Rock, paper, scissors” counts as one of the most popular games that are played in different languages with sometimes additional symbols, all around the world. It is the perfect game to help you make decisions, whether it is to create teams, decide who goes on which side of the playing field or who has to clean, the options are endless.
The following game combines “rock, paper, scissors, shoot” with teamwork and instantly puts you in a good mood.
Depending on what country you are from, you have different phrases that you say during the hand movement of the game. I am from Germany and instead of saying “rock, paper, scissors, shoot”, we say “fli-fla-flu”. Since these words are shorter, they are easier to scream out loud which is exactly what you have to do for this game.
What do you need?
Besides fellow players, there is no additional equipment needed to play this game. Concerning the number of players, I recommend playing in a group of around 15-30 players because then it is the most fun but you can also play the game with as little as five players.
How to play?
If the players do not know each other, it is helpful to do a quick introduction round to find out the names of everyone since this is one of the most important features of the game. Once every player introduced themselves, the rules of “fli-fla-flu” have to be explained so that everyone is on the same page when it comes to finger movements.
The following movements are possible:
Rock: Make a fist with your hand
Paper: Hold your hand flat out in front of you with your palm facing downwards
Scissors: Mimic a scissor with your fingers; the pointer and middle finger are stretched out to the front while the rest of the fingers are in a fist
To play this game, the players spread out on the playing field. On the count of three, the game starts. The players walk around the field and have to find a player with whom they play “fli-fla-flu”. When they found someone, the two players say these three words together at the same time and after “flu”, they each make one of the above explained hand movements (rock, paper, scissors). To determine who wins, there are certain ranks for these movements.
Rock wins over scissors (it crushes the scissors), scissors win over paper (it cuts the paper) and paper wins over rock (it covers the rock). If both players make the same movement, they go again.
Whoever loses, becomes the other player’s fan club. That means that they line up behind the player that won, follow them and shout their name as loud as possible to cheer them on. The winner of each round walks around and looks for a new player to play with. The whole time, the players behind them shout their names.
In the end, there will be two players left, each with a fan club. While their fan clubs shout their names and cheer them on, the two players play “fli-fla-flu” against each other one last time. Whoever wins this round is the overall winner of the game “giant fli-fla-flu)
I hope you enjoy this game and have fun playing!