Dwarf, Giant, Fairy

An enchanted forest. The magical place we read about in fairy tales and fantasy books. Nobody knows who lives there but some characters that are repeatedly listed are dwarfs, giants and fairies. This is where this game comes in.

What do you need?
Besides a big playing field with a lot of space to run around, something to mark the middle line and at least eight fellow players, there is nothing else needed.


How to play?
To start, the group has to be divided into two even teams. Each team goes to the outside of the playing field, the opposite side of the other team. The teams are facing each other and should both have the same distance to the middle line.
The idea of the game is that within the teams, the players select a character that they are going to transform into, without the other team knowing. The players then walk up to the middle line and on the count of three, show which characters they are. Depending on the character, one team chases the other until the end of the playing field and tries to tag as many players of the opposite team as possible.
Here are the three characters:
Dwarf: crouch down and put your hands above your head to form a dwarf-like pointed cap
Giant: stand up tall and reach your arms over your head as high as possible
Fairy: swing your hand as if you were holding a magic fairy wand

Within your team, you have to select two characters, one main character and one as a backup in case the other team chose the same character as you. Once both teams selected a character, the teams make their way to the middle line and stand across from each other. On the count of three, every player has to show their character by doing the motions as explained above. The order in which one character wins against the other character is the following:
– The dwarf wins against the fairy
– The fairy wins against the giant
– The giant wins against the dwarf

The team with the character that wins against the other team is the tagger, the other team runs away. One out of three scenarios can happen at the middle line. Let me show you these by the example of the fairy.

  1. Your team chooses the fairy and the other team the dwarf
    The dwarf wins against the fairy which means that your team has to run away from the dwarfs.
  2. Your team chooses the fairy and the other team the giant
    The fairy wins against the giant which means that your team has to chase the giants and tag them.
  3. Your team chooses the fairy and the other team also chooses the fairy
    The same characters against each other does not work and both teams have to show the second character they chose.

If you get tagged by the other team before you reach the outer line, you have to switch teams and join the other team. Therefore it can happen, that at one point, the teams are very uneven and it gets harder for the players to run away.
The game does not have a final winner, some people play it so that the last person on a team wins, while others say everyone wins once one of the teams does not have any players left. This choice is up to you.

I hope you enjoy this game and have fun playing!