Of course, it is commonly known that dancing is a fun way to move your body and increase your physical fitness. One can strengthen the muscles and become more flexible, especially in dance styles like ballet, where flexible body parts are required in order to execute precise movements. Also, it can help introverts who suffer from social anxiety to open up because the dance practice is often done in groups with many people. Apart from these benefits for the body and mind, it is also a way to express feelings on a deeper level. These emotions can be transferred non-verbally, so there is no language needed. It is great because, regardless of their nationality, people can understand each other.
First off, it is important to mention that there cannot be a certain person who invented dancing because dancing and dancing styles develop over many years, even centuries. Dancing also changes, and different styles and trends occur over time. It also gets influenced by countries and their cultures, which are very diverse. For instance, one of the first wall paintings of dancing people was found in India, but there are also some discoveries made in Greece, China, or Egypt. This shows us that people all over the world used to dance (and, of course, still do). But even though there is no certain person or group that invented the art of dancing, there are some pioneers of different dance styles who influenced this style strongly or even changed some of its characteristics.
Isadora Duncan was one of these pioneers. She was born Angela Isadora Duncan in 1877 in California, USA. Already when she was still a child, she did not follow the rather strict and unflexible mindset of ballet dancing. She aspired to a more liberated and softer way of self-expression through dancing. Furthermore, she was influenced by the ancient Greeks and their aesthetic. These influences were mirrored in her own movements while dancing. When she was unsuccessful in the USA, she went to Europe, and when she got invited to London, she captivated the audience with her performance. With her unique way of dancing (sometimes she did not even wear shoes and wore a costume like a woodland nymph), she mesmerized thousands of people through her tour through Europe. This is why she is also known as one of the pioneers of modern dance, since she was so liberated and clearly differentiated from ballet.
Other than that, George Balanchine, who was born Georgi Melitonovich Balanchivadze in 1904 in St. Petersburg, was also one of the big pioneers of dancing. With his neoclassical style, he is known as the founder of American ballet and revolutionized the term ballet completely. He not only co-founded the ballet of New York City, but he also made a huge impact with his unique dance style and influential work as a choreographer.
To conclude, it is impossible to say who invented dancing because, in fact, there have been so many dancers and choreographers who influenced this sport and expressed themselves through telling their stories and expressing their emotions. That led to many different dances and dance styles that we know today.