
Sports are a great way of having fun with movement while improving your health at the same time. You can discover a new passion and take advantage of your own talents. With a lot of dedication you might even be able to become a professional athlete and compete in the Olympics one day. But first and foremost sport is about learning new skills while having fun together with your friends. In general it is always advantageous to train together with other people because it helps you to stay motivated. Sports are also great to connect with other people even if you don’t speak the same language.

There is a great variety of sports. From team sports to ball sports and fighting sports everyone can choose the sport that suits them best. Furthermore there are sports that focus more on strength such as power lifting and others such as marathon running that require an excellent endurance. Darts, bowling and table tennis however require a very accurate coordination. As you can see sports are very diverse which makes it worth trying different kinds until you find the sport that suits you best.

On the one hand this section offers information about Judo which is a Japanese martial art. On the other hand you will learn about Fitness which is great way of building a foundation for other sports. You will find exercises and descriptions that will enable you to achieve basic judo and fitness skills. The exercises are designed specifically to be done at home without any additional equipment. So enjoy learning and have fun!