
Now, since you have learned everything you need to know about the handball field and the team, you should learn everything about the equipment you need. Luckily it is not a lot.
The most obvious items that you need are goals. In a previous article, you learned that the size of the goals is three meters times two meters. At least for players from the D-youth, which is approximately from the age of ten. Until then, the handball goal will be reduced to 1.6 meters by 3 meters with an extra crossbar. Not only the goal is smaller for kids. Since they have smaller legs and less condition and speed, the field is also smaller. There is no international size, but most leagues, just play from one sideline to the other (so 20 meters long) and around 13 meters wide.

But probably the most important difference is the size of the ball. There are five different sizes of handballs.
The minis (also called bambinos) play with the children’s ball size 00. The size and weight are not precisely defined, as the balls are intended to be easier to handle for children up to and including the age of six. Here, the rules are also taken very loosely, since most children at that age are not yet able to pay attention to the number of steps while running, to dribble and not to step into the goalie zone when throwing. In short, only rough fouls are whistled and the referee is more or less there to make sure that everyone gets along and has fun. Most of the time one of the coaches or an older player is also the referee.
The next bigger handball size is 0. Like the size 00, the size 0 also is not strictly defined by the rules. The weight of less than 260 grams and the size of approximately 46 to 48 centimeters circumference help the kids with the age of seven and eight years old to throw and catch the ball more easily.
Now we get from size 0 to size 1. With a weight between 290 and 330 grams, and a circumference of 50 to 52 centimeters, it is the smallest official handball size. It comes to use for girls in the D-, E- and C-youth and for boys in the D- and E-youth. So for kids with an age of 8 to 12 / 14 years.

For women, the handball size 2 is the biggest one. From 14 years old on, they play with a ball that weighs between 325 and 375 grams and has an circumference of 54 to 56 centimeters. Boys play with the same ball in their C- and B-youth.


What most people do not know is, that from a certain age on, most teams use resin to make the ball sticky. There are videos of a ball sticking between the goalpost and the bar or of a ball sticking on the hand of a player without falling down. But why would you do that? To make long things short, it provides better grip and ball control, which leads to a faster game, better shots and faster passes. For people who never played handball with resin, it is very hard and painful to do anything with the ball. In order to get the ball out of your hand, you have to role it over your fingertips. Otherwise you might rip of the skin of your fingertips. With a little training, you will see a huge difference. It will be easier to make spin shots and your throws will be more precise. But the use of resin also has disadvantages. First, most clubs (especially in lower leagues) play in gyms, that are owned by the city. Since the resin sticks not only on the ball, but also on the floor, walls and goals, in the most gyms, the use of it is not allowed.


Second, clothing and balls have to be specially cleaned. It is not very complicated, but it takes some time to get the resin of your fingers, the ball and the clothing. To get it of your fingers, I suggest to use baby oil instead of buying special removers. It makes the same job, but is a lot cheaper and accessible in every drug store. The same with the removers for the Ball. I would not buy one of the resin removers. The easiest way is to form a small ball of used resin and keep this as remover. With that, you can just rip the resin of the ball. It is a little more complicated for your clothing. But people came up with some very creative options. You can either use household items, that contain a lot of oil or grease, you can use a resin prewash spray or you can freeze the jersey. The resin also freezes and can be peeled of.

Now you know, why the ball looks so sticky during handball games. It actually is sticky. Maybe you also have the chance to try to play with resin once. It brings handball to another level.
