Fire, Water, Storm

What do you do in case of an emergency? This game simulates three catastrophes, and you have to think and decide quickly. Otherwise, you are out. “Fire, Water, Storm” is a fun and dynamic reaction and coordination game. I guarantee you will have a lot of fun, especially if you play it with a big group.

What do you need?
A big, free space with some elevated surfaces like benches is needed to play this game. Other than that, you will only need some motivation and no more material.

Who plays?
Children in kindergarten and primary school will for sure enjoy playing “Fire, Water, Storm”. You should at least have four players and one instructor to play. However, it is more fun as more players join the game.

How to play “Fire, Water, Storm”?
Firstly, you will have to choose an instructor from your group. He or she can’t play but will give the commands for all the players. The players run around the playing field and wait for an announcement from the instructor naming a catastrophe. There are three basic commands: fire, water, and storm, each corresponding to a different reaction.
Fire: all the players have to lay on the floor and roll (to extinguish the fire).
Water: To escape the flood, you have to climb on an elevated surface like a bench or slide on a playing ground (to escape the flood).
Storm: pair up with two people and hold each other’s hands (to avoid flying away).
The instructor waits until everyone is in the required position and then gives the signal to continue. The players run around again, waiting for the next catastrophe.

For older children, it is possible to play this game using elimination. The player who is last in the correct position is out. Then, the game continues, and the last player left is the winner of the round.
For more variety, it is also possible to introduce some new commands to the game. For example:
Ice: the players have to freeze in their movements.
Conference: three children get together and whisper.
Lightning: players curl up into a small ball on the floor to avoid a lightning strike.

You can always come up with more situations and a fitting reaction to them to extend the game.